Shenzhou Yunyin Digital Printing Management Platform
Tailored solutions for various printing scenarios, including office printing, production printing, and print centers. We offer a full suite of printing management solutions that encompass hardware, digital management tools, printing supplies, maintenance, and services.
Core Features
  • Roaming Printing
    Users only need to install one driver (MAC/Windows/Ubuntu/...), enabling them to select and print from any available nearby printer.
  • Print Management
    Users can view their print list and choose to print selectively or entirely; the system automatically generates print logs. It also allows presetting options like double-sided printing or black-and-white only.
  • Content Approval
    Supports a workflow where print jobs enter an approval process. Printing proceeds only after approval; otherwise, the job is returned. It can also support OCR search and keyword-based print approval for retained documents.
  • Security Control
    Supports multiple authentication methods, including username and password, card swipe, QR code scan, and biometric authentication. Custom watermarks can also be added as a mandatory feature.
  • Cost Management
    Allows for setting detailed costs for printing, copying, and other services at each print point. It also tracks paper usage by employees over a specified period, restricting further use if limits are exceeded.
  • Intelligent Operations and Maintenance
    Offers remote meter reading, status inquiries, and alert notifications, fully managing hardware. The platform supports integration with internal office software and customization according to enterprise needs.
  • Record Keeping
    Logs user/admin operations and can be configured to save snapshots of printed, copied, or scanned content on the server as audit evidence for traceability.
  • Statistical Reports
    Provides statistics for A3/A4, color/black-and-white, double-sided/single-sided printing, copying, and scanning. It supports generating charts, time-based queries, and separate statistics by printer, department, or user.
Multi-Brand Printing Equipment Deployment
Based on users' varying printing needs in different scenarios, we offer a multi-brand printing equipment deployment solution tailored to comprehensive environments. Unlike single-brand suppliers, this provides users with more flexible and cost-effective options.
High Coverage and Rapid Response for On-Site Services
With service stations in 224 cities across the country, we ensure a 4-hour on-site response in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities and next business day (NBD) on-site service in over 200 additional cities.
Exclusive MPS Consumables Inventory
We maintain a dedicated inventory of spare parts and consumables specifically for MPS (Managed Print Services), ensuring that even in cases of consumable shortages, MPS users have sufficient supplies to maintain business operations.
Flexible Procurement & Leasing Options
Users can choose to purchase printing equipment or opt for leasing to avoid the risks associated with heavy capital investments.
Easy Integration with Internal Systems
The management platform can be integrated with the customer's internal office software or systems, enabling automated and proactive management, ensuring business continuity and security.
Custom Development Based on User Needs
With innovative R&D capabilities and extensive business experience, we can develop customized solutions based on users' specific business needs, optimizing processes, and significantly enhancing production efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Large Enterprises with Nationwide Branches: Organizations with branches across the country, where regional printing processes are inconsistent and lack unified management and maintenance.

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Low Asset Operation Needs: Companies with limited IT budgets seeking to reduce one-time purchase costs and maintenance expenses.

Clients in Sensitive Industries: Industries handling confidential documents, where there is a high risk of information leakage.

Business Expansion Phase: During periods of business growth, managing printing can be challenging, and analyzing departmental costs can be difficult.

Use Cases