Client Profile
The customer is an amusement park focused on providing themed entertainment experiences. They require an effective visitor flow forecasting and operational management system to address various challenges in daily operations, including special events, shopping mall visitor traffic, weather changes, and other factors.
Business Challenges

Visitor Flow Fluctuation Management:The amusement park faces the instability of visitor flows and needs to effectively predict and manage these fluctuations.


Response to Special Events:Special events may bring visitor flow peaks, requiring advance planning and response.


Multi-factor Impact Analysis:Factors such as weather, economy, and competitors all affect visitor flows and need to be considered comprehensively.


Human Resource Optimization:How to reasonably allocate human resources to improve operational efficiency under different visitor flow conditions.


Medium and Long-term Visitor Flow Forecasting:
Use data analysis and forecasting models for medium and long-term prediction of visitor flows in the amusement park.

Real-time Monitoring of Completion:
Monitor the completion of visitor flows through a real-time monitoring system and adjust operational strategies in a timely manner.

Visitor Flow Forecasting and Plan Formulation:
Formulate corresponding operational management plans based on forecast results.

Staff Planning and Intelligent Scheduling:
Carry out staff planning and intelligent scheduling according to predicted visitor flows, optimizing the allocation of human resources.

Solution Advantages
  • Efficient Operational Management: Achieve rapid response and flexible adjustment to visitor flows through accurate forecasting and real-time monitoring, improving operational efficiency.
  • Intelligent Human Resource Allocation: Use an intelligent scheduling system to optimize personnel distribution according to forecast results, ensuring efficient service under different visitor flow conditions.
  • Data-driven Decision-making: Provide scientific decision support for the operational management of the amusement park based on in-depth analysis of visitor flow data, enhancing the ability to respond to market changes.
Client Value
Improved Operational Efficiency:

Improve operational efficiency and reduce costs through accurate forecasting and intelligent scheduling.

Optimized Customer Experience:

Enhance visitor experience through reasonable personnel allocation and operational management.。

Risk Management:

Predict and respond to visitor flow peaks in advance to reduce operational risks.

Data-driven Decision-making:

Decision support based on data analysis improves the scientific and effectiveness of decision-making.