Client Profile
As a specialized medical institution, a certain well-known children's hospital enjoys a high reputation nationwide. The hospital's network architecture is complex, involving a large amount of sensitive medical data and patient information, thus having extremely high requirements for cybersecurity. The hospital needs to ensure the stability and security of the network environment to protect patient privacy and the continuity of the hospital's operations.
Business Challenges

Network Architecture and Asset Management:Faced with a complex network architecture and assets, it is necessary to optimize management and establish effective network management systems.


Regulatory Compliance and Security Incident Response:It is necessary to meet the requirements of higher regulatory authorities, promptly rectify reported issues, and enhance the emergency response capabilities to cybersecurity incidents.


Technical Reinforcement and Risk Reduction:It is necessary to strengthen cybersecurity protection through technical means, reduce the exposure to network threats, and decrease the risk of being hacked.


Network Architecture Optimization and Asset Management:
Assist the hospital in optimizing the complex network architecture to improve manageability and efficiency.
Sort out network assets, establish and improve network management systems to ensure clarity and control over network assets.

Enhancement of Security Level and Incident Response:
Deploy experienced security engineers to enhance the overall level of the hospital's cybersecurity protection.
Establish and improve the process for handling sudden cybersecurity incidents to increase response speed and handling capabilities.

Regulatory Reporting and Rectification:
Assist the hospital in promptly dealing with reports from higher regulatory authorities to ensure timely completion of rectification requirements. Through rectification, reduce the number of times the hospital is reported, minimizing potential compliance risks.

Cybersecurity Reinforcement and Risk Management:
Use technical reinforcement methods, such as strengthening zone isolation, to reduce the scope of potential internal network attacks.
Optimize existing network security management systems to achieve systematic management, reduce exposure to network threats, decrease the likelihood of being hacked, and implement effective responses to sudden security incidents to minimize potential losses.

  • Deployment of Professional Security Engineers:
    Deploy security engineers to provide professional technical support and enhance the cybersecurity level.
  • Network Architecture Optimization:
    Optimize the network architecture to improve network stability and security, and strengthen zone isolation.
  • Improvement of Response Mechanisms:
    Improve the response mechanisms for cybersecurity incidents to ensure timely and effective handling and reduce potential losses.
Results & Values
Enhanced Cybersecurity:

Improve the hospital's cybersecurity protection capabilities by optimizing network architecture and management systems.

Strengthened Compliance:

Assist the hospital in timely rectification of regulatory reports to reduce compliance risks and the number of reports.

Reduced Security Risks:

Reduce the likelihood and losses of hospital network attacks through technical reinforcement and risk management.

Improved Operational Efficiency:

Optimize management systems and processes to enhance the hospital's operational efficiency and response speed in terms of cybersecurity.